Welcome to Rural Route T Photography & Design!
As a nod to my country roots, growing up in rural NW Missouri on Rural Route B, I created Rural Route T as a way to share my love for rural living, the outdoors and travel through photography and design.
I believe every picture has a story. It tells of adventure and exploration, evokes emotions unexpected, and speaks of beauty in even the most mundane places. Join me on my journey as I discover new places, tell new stories, and capture as many memories as possible.
Whether I'm drawing inspiration from something that catches my eye or simply need to work out an idea that's been tumbling around in my head, graphic design allows me to experiment with a variety of techniques and styles to create fun digital designs. Custom graphic design work available upon request.
Photographers - Do you have an image that needs a little extra editing attention, but not the time or knowledge to accomplish the end result you desire? Let's talk. I just might be able to help.